The National Homeless Network is a movement that brings together various organisations in numerous cities across South Africa.
It includes practitioners, NGOs, FBOs, CBOs, local homeless forums, activists, academics, and most importantly current and former homeless individuals. It also partners with various government institutions and departments.
The Network was established in 2017, and held its 3rd annual meeting held in November 2019 in Bloemfontein, Mangaung.
The Network seeks collectively across South Africa to help prevent homelessness, to improve the conditions of people who are homeless, and to find pathways out of homelessness.
The Mandate of the Network is focused on the following four activities:
Advocating for the homeless with National government and supporting advocacy at Provincial and Municipal levels
Liaising at all levels with Government departments and institutions
Sharing information on best practice, policies from across SA and the world
Sharing research and developing a common research agenda
To contact the National Homeless Network, email national-network@homeless.org.za
The list of members is currently under development so please be patient as we fill in some gaps. If you are involved in supporting the homeless and are interested in joining the network, please use the email given above.
National Homeless Network members:
CITY Organisation Email Website/Facebook
Bloemfontein Bloemshelter info@exellerate.co.za https://www.bloemshelter.co.za/
Bloemfontein NG Church Bloemfontein rikus.vanzyl@liblink.co.za
Bloemfontein QPT ward23@futurefreestate.co.za
Bloemfontein Towers of Hope Trust dlh@towersofhope.org http://www.towersofhope.org/
Buffalo City Nahoon Community Outreach jfreebx@yahoo.com
Cape Town New Hope SA socialworker@newhopesa.org https://www.newhopesa.org/
Cape Town The Haven Night Shelter info@haven.org.za https://www.haven.org.za/
Cape Town U-turn jon@homeless.org.za https://homeless.org.za/
Durban Denis Hurley Centre raymond@denishurleycentre.org http://www.denishurleycentre.org/
Durban Grace Aid dave@grace.org.za http://graceaid.org/about-us
Durban I Care anne@icare.co.za https://icare.co.za/
Durban We are Durban linda@wearedurban.com https://wearedurban.com/
Johannesburg JOSH ceo.joburghomeless@gmail.com http://joburghomeless.org/
Pietermaritzburg Life Changer info@lifechangersa.org https://www.lifechangersa.org/
Tshwane Centre for Faith and Community
at the University of Pretoria stephan.debeer@up.ac.za
Tshwane Homeless Upliftment Projects hupnpo@gmail.com www.hupsa.org.za
Tshwane Tshwane Leadership Foundation wayne@tlf.org.za http://tlf.org.za/
Tshwane Yeast City Housing ezekiel@ych.org.za https://www.ych.org.za/home